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Repeat Ad Design
When deciding on ad content, please remember the 1 to 3 second rule. Most people are skimmers, and when they look at ads, advertisers usually only get 1 to 3 seconds to grab their attention and show them who they are and what they’re selling. *** All images must be at least 300 dpi at actual size (high resolution) so they will print clearly. ***
Please provide very specific instructions on what content should be removed and what should be added.
Unless your ad is simply for exposure, we recommend: 1-2 coupons for a 1/4 Page; 1-3 coupons for a 1/2 Page; 1-4 coupons for a Full Page.
For the distribution schedule with in-homes dates, open a new window or tab and go to:>Advertising Info>Distribution Schedule & Zones