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In the digital age we live in, everyone seems to have a desktop or laptop. On top of that, none of us seem to put our cell phones down for very long at a time. With that in mind, it’s not surprising many people think print advertising is not as rewarding as digital advertising.
However, the effectiveness of print advertising continues to flourish according to an independent survey sponsored by Mailbox Merchants.
“We contracted with an independent third party to measure consumer sentiment about the use of print advertising and its influence on decision making when considering a purchase. We asked questions about print’s relevancy in today’s media landscape, its trustworthiness in the eyes of the consumer, and its ability to impact consumer shopping activity.
Would you be surprised to learn that consumers saw print as the most credible form of advertising by almost a 2 to 1 margin over ads seen online? Or that consumers spend more time reading, looking at, and engaging with print ads than digital?” (Source: Consumer Attitudes about Print Advertising, 2019)

Why Print Advertising Continues To Thrive

So, why is it that print advertising still continues to thrive? Maybe it’s because people’s mailboxes are less cluttered these days. Or, maybe it’s because people still like to touch and feel things they are interested in. Or, maybe it’s because print advertisements feel more trustworthy. On the other hand, with digital advertising, it seems like we all get constantly overwhelmed with pop-ups and banner ads when we’re simply trying to entertain ourselves or learn information, which doesn’t happen in print. Plus, digital content and offers can change instantly while print offers tend to have extended periods of time when they remain valid.
Regardless of the reason, print advertising still continues to make a strong impact on consumers and creates good ROI for companies who use it.
Clearly, because consumers are on digital devices so often and also because print advertising still produces profits, the wisest companies include both in their marketing strategies.

Print and Digital Go Perfectly Together

Countless reports reveal that when print advertising is paired with digital advertising, response rates from consumers are even higher than they would be if one wasn’t included. Because of this, common sense says both should be used by companies who are hoping to enjoy their greatest results in 2020.
On top of that, one more finding that should be pointed out: Often, print advertising doesn’t get the credit it deserves because it is common for consumers to read a print ad, then do a Google search for the company to learn more, and then say into their phone, “Call _____.”
When that happens, phone numbers used for online tracking purposes or websites and landing pages used to engage consumers tend to get credit for the responses. Fortunately, smart marketers understand this and pay attention to the spikes in their response rates for all of their strategies when their print advertisements get distributed to consumers.

Print Advertising In Villager Magazine Works

At Villager, we have many customers who have been advertising with us consistently for five years or more. Some have even been with us in Utah County for over a decade because of the success they’ve enjoyed.
Even though it would be easy for us to continuously focus mainly on print, we always encourage companies to diversify their advertising strategies because we understand how rewarding all of the different strategies can be. Also, we continually focus on maintaining design that will appeal to each company’s target audience with the hopes that their most likely customers will notice their ads.
To learn more about advertising in Villager Magazine and why it is so effective, contact us today.

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